Freitag, 23. Mai 2008

Über ADHS...

Es gibt neue Erfahrungen: Kinder brauchen kein Ritalin!
Es gibt viele und verschiedene natürliche Weise, Kinder zu beruhigen.
Interessante Artikel für die Eltern:

Oder auch:

Montag, 12. Mai 2008

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2008

Benefiz Konzert: Kinder spielen um andere Kinder zu helfen!

Am 8. Juni veranstalten wir ein Benefiz-Konzert „Ein Tag für andere Kinder“ in der Tonhalle der Kreismusikschule in Geldern.
Es werden zwei Konzerte stattfinden.

Konzert 1
„Kuscheltier-Konzert“ Konzert für kleine Kinder mit Kuscheltiere
11,00 Uhr
spielen Schüler der Musikalische Früherziehung, Suzuki Vorbereitungskurse, Twinkle Klavier Schüler und Suzuki Schüler Book 1-2
Natürlich es sind Eltern, Großeltern, Freunde, Verwandte eingeladen!

Konzert 2
15,00 Uhr
Klavier Schüler der Suzuki Klavier Klasse und der Grundausbildung

Es werden Spenden für Hirnverletzte Kinder gesammelt.


An Art & Musik Weekend

To celebrate the spring time there is every year in April an „Art & Music“ weekend for young children in Niederrhein (a little german region between Germany and Holland)- actually in Geldern.
All types of arts awake the brain and give the children the possibility to feel free to be more creative. This weekend has a positive influence especially on children development: each child develops his art at his own pace and the most important point is that children “live” arts with their parents or trough their parents as a family-activity.
The main interesting point of this weekend is that the children have the possibility to meet all “arts” at once: painting, singing, dancing, instruments playing, drama etc. with different teachers and their parents
The weekend usually begins on Saturday morning with a little concert (pupils or teachers) about a specific theme. After the concert the children have to paint something to the music. They sit down on the ground in the concert hall and paint silently while listening to the music. Some parents paint with the children, for the children or simply enjoy the music.
At the lunch time there is normally another little concert with a short children’s song section: Lightly row, Go tell Aunt Rhody, Honeybee, Mary had a little lamb, London Bridge, Long long ago, Good-bye to winter, French children’s song, Cuckoo or other pieces self-composed from piano students.
Finally a lunch for all. In this time all children can play together outside (or when the weather isn’t good, inside in a “Tonhalle”) and have the possibility to meet more friends in the music group.
In the afternoon there are many activities for children and parents: they can dance or sing or be actors for a drama or build instruments.
Parents help to have a little show at the end of the day.
Sometimes they have a little graduation concert for the Suzuki piano students in Book 1 or in Book 2.
On Sunday there is a great piano concert for children in the morning: the piano students play piano pieces for other children. In the concert hall there is a little art gallery with children’s work too.
Every year they have a new Theme: “Debussy”, “Mozart”, “Children’s scene “Children’s corner”.This weekend for very little musicians is organized from an Italian pianist and Suzuki piano teacher. And… it’s all free for parents and children!